
The Cellist named Ma Yo-Yo

The Cellist named Ma Yo-Yo

Ma Yo-Yo is a great cellist of the world. He can play the cello very well, and he had many cello performances in the world. People say he is the best cello player.
Ma Yo-Yo is born in 1955 in France, but his parents are Chinese because they stayed in France for a long time. He had a talent for playing musical instruments, so his mom and dad wanted him to try to play the instruments. After he failed in piano and violin lessons, his dad finally wanted him to learn how to play the cello. After he played the cello very well, he started to perform to people. But as I know, Ma Yo-Yo gave up playing the cello once when he was in university, and he studied as a human body scientist. But he really didn’t give up, because he started playing the cello after university. After that, he started practicing the cello and soon he was a great cello player of the world.
I think Ma Yo-Yo is a great cello player, so I wish he would make some songs himself and play it to everyone in the world.
