
Food Firsts

September 1st, 2009
Food Firsts
By Max

Many foods always have stories of when it is introduced and invented. There is also history on the foods we eat.

Like the drink we most like to drink is Coca-Cola, it is actually used as medicine in the past. Then, cola is made into many flavors, and has opened a company now. The Coca-Cola Company has made Coca-Cola, Sprite, and Fanta. I think our company in Taiwan has made Hey-Song Sarpasilla.

And I know the history about the donuts we eat today (I’m not really sure; I read it in the book). The donut is made by Hanson Gregory. When he was 15, his mother made some fried bread, but Hanson said he didn’t want the middle of the bread. Now the donut came out with a hole in the middle, and it was very popular. Some companies even started to sell “Donuts without holes”.

The foods we eat today are always invented by someone. If they didn’t invent it, we maybe can’t eat the things we eat now!