
1000719 Scary Movie 4 Movie Review

Scary Movie 4 Movie Review
By Max
     Scary Movie 4 is a comedy movie directed by David Zucker. In the movie, Cindy finds work in home healthcare to take care of an old woman in a scary house. Her neighbor, Tom, loves Cindy after she came. But, alien invaded the world, so Tom leaves with his son and daughter to the battlefield where the U.S. fights with the Tripods, and Cindy leaves with Brenda, another person that she met, to a village that can’t leave when staying it. They met each other again in the bathroom at the start, and they need to play a game with Billy Puppet to save the world and themselves.
     The scenes include Shaq and Dr. Phil in the bathroom with nerve gas in it, the scary house that Cindy need to take care of an old woman, the street that the Tripods started to invade Earth, the village that Cindy and Brenda went to, the battlefield that the U.S. army fought with the Tripods, and the bathroom that they woke up the next morning (It is the same bathroom in the start!), and some more scenes.
     This movie’s lighting is very good, though, even there is a lot of scenes are dark, but the lighting is great in the lighter scenes. About the camera work, it is very good too, with some shots of close and some far images. I like this movie’s effects very much, like the Tripod came out from the road, and it transformed into an alien. The huge laser rays and explodes are making the scene like a true thing happened here!